Fixing Poor Photos

Fixing poor photos using Photo Pos Pro is very easy to do. The best starting point and fastest way is to use one of the software automatic functions as shown:
  1. If your photo has a poor tints use the Auto Balance functions (Click on Adjustments -> Auto White Balance menu)

  2. If your photo is dark use the Auto Correct Dark Picture function (Click on Adjustments -> Auto Corrections -> Auto Correct Dark Picture menu)

  3. If your photo is very dark, has low/poor/missing details simply use to logarithm stretch function (Click on Adjustments -> Logarithm Stretch menu)

  4. If your photo has a "warm" shade (photos having an orange shade such as those taken under a tungsten light) or a "cold" shade (pictures having a bluish shade such as those taken under a florescent light) use the Auto Correct Cold/Warm Picture function (Click on Adjustments -> Correct Cold/Warm Picture menu)

    * On this example we took the fixed photo from the previous stage and retouched it using the Cold/Warm function with a little brightness to get more natural look

  5. If your photo has tiny imperfections (as pimples, moles, scratches and etc.) you can easily Repair/Remove/Hide it using the Recovery Brush:
    1. Open the desired photo - (Click on File -> Open menu or Ctrl+O.)
    2. From the Tools (the left) toolbar choose the Recovery Brush tool.

    3. Select the area on the picture which is most similar (and preferably the closest) to the area on which the imperfection is located. To select the similar area point on it with the mouse and click on it with the right button.
    4. In order to perform the repair, point on the area where the repair is needed with the mouse. Move the mouse on the area while holding down the left button to perform the repair.
    5. Repeat steps 3-4 as much as need to complete the repair and to remove the imperfections.

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