Tutorial - How to take out/in someone from a photo (Or how to replace an image background)

Note: Photo Pos Pro v4 magnetic selection (previously known as "Magic Selection" in versions 1.xx) has been re-written from the scratch and have many vast improvements!

Photo Pos Pro Magnetic Selection
    figure no.1

Issue: Take out/in someone from a photo (or replacing an image background) using the magic selection feature (figure no. 1).

To take out/in someone from a photo or replacing an image background simply follow these steps:
  1. Open the desired (the object) picture - (Click on File -> Open menu or Ctrl+O, figure no.2)

    Photo Pos Pro Magnetic Selection

    figure no. 2

  2. From the Tools toolbar select the Magnetic Selection tool

    Photo Pos Pro Magnetic Selection

  3. In order to (actively) select the area within the picture, move the mouse and point the location where you wish to begin the selection. Left-click on the image. Each new left-click while pointing a different area of the image will create a magnetic selection rib. In order to finish the selection (and close the selection), either right-click the mouse on the image or double click on the image (figures no. 3 & 4)

    Note: Canceling points - in case you pointed on a wrong place or selected a wrong area you can easily fix the selection by pressing Ctrl + Z to undo the unnecessary point(s)

    Photo Pos Pro Magnetic Selection

    figure no. 3
    Photo Pos Pro Magnetic Selection

    figure no. 4

  4. Click the Copy icon (found on the Shortcuts toolbar) in order to copy the selection to the clipboard.
  5. Open the desired new background image - (Click on File -> Open menu, figure no.5)

    Photo Pos Pro Magnetic Selection

    figure no. 5

Continue Tutorial (Steps 6-9 / Part B) >>>

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