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Image Menu

This menu contains a range of functions directly connected to the Image such as Size, Resolution, Rotation, Flip and more. In addition, the menu contains functions which enable you to define part of the image as paintbrush, texture or pattern amongst other general functions.

  Flip Horizontally (Mirror)

This function creates a horizontal switch of the layer/area selected (what was on the right will appear on the left and vise versa - as it would in a mirror).

  Flip Vertically

This function creates a vertical switch of the layer/area selected (what was on the top will appear on the bottom and vise versa).


This function is used for the rotation of an image. With this function you can turn/rotate a selected area, a single layer or the entire image.
  • Angle Slider - With this command you can control the angle of rotation of the image. Moving the regulator to the right will increase the angle while moving it to the left will decrease the it.
  • Smooth (Antialias) Checkbox - When this box is checked (default), the picture rotated will be smoothed. (The result will be much better, though the function's operation will be much slower).
  • Rotate All Layers Checkbox - When this box is marked, the entire picture will be rotated (If a picture has more than one layer, all the layers will be rotated). This check box is irrelevant when there is a selected area on the image.


This function is used to change the dimensions of an image. The change in size will ultimately be expressed as a change in the Absolute Size of the image, in pixels.
  • Width - Defines the new width of the image. It is possible to define the width either by percentage or by absolute values.
  • Height - Defines the new height of the image. It is possible to define the width either by percentage or by absolute values.
  • Units Dropdown Box A selection box through which you may select which units will be used to define the Height and Width values.
  • Quality Filter Dropdown Box - This selection box defines which filter will be used during the resizing of the image in order to improve the quality of the image during the resizing process. It is possible to select the None option in order to cancel the use of the quality filter.
  • Preserve Aspect Ratio Checkbox - When this option is marked (default), the original Height/Width ratio will be preserved. When filling in new values for either Height or Width, the other will be filled in automatically.
  • Resize All Layers Checkbox - When this option is marked (default), resizing will affect the entire picture (In case the picture contains more than one layer, all layers will be resized accordingly). In order to increase/decrease in size a single layer, you must unmark this box. This check box is irrelevant when there is a selected area on the image.
  • Resolution - The resolution of the image (DPI).

Adjust Board Size And Resolution

This function is used to change the size of the clipboard (the working area) and its resolution. With this function you can increase/decrease the size of the clipboard and its resolution. The function ultimately creates a new working area and places the image within (the dimensions of the image will not change).
  • Width - Defines the new width of the clipboard (the working area). It is possible to define width either by percentage or absolute values.
  • Height - Defines the new height of the clipboard (the working area). It is possible to define height either by percentage or absolute values.
  • Units Dropdown Box A selection box through which you may select which units will be used to define the Height and Width values.
  • Resolution - The resolution of the image (DPI).
  • Preserve Aspect Ratio Checkbox - When this option is marked (default), the original Height/Width ratio will be preserved. When filling in new values for either Height or Width, the other will be filled in automatically.
  • Center Horizontal Checkbox - Marking this box will place the image on the center of the horizontal axis on the clipboard. If you wish to place the image elsewhere, unmark the checkbox and fill in the text box to the side the desired value, in pixels.
  • Center Vertical Checkbox - Marking this box will place the image on the center of the vertical axis on the clipboard. If you wish to place the image elsewhere, unmark the checkbox and fill in the text box to the side the desired value, in pixels.
Background (Margins) Color/Style Box:

  Crop Selection

This function is used to crop all that is without the selected area. After applying the function, all that is without the selected area will be cleared and the image will become the selected area itself. This function is useful when there is need to isolate a certain part in the image and clear away all the rest. This function is active only when an area in the image is selected.

Save As Texture

This function is used to create a texture out of the selected area. In order to create a texture out of the area selected, choose the area out of which you wish to create a texture and activate the function. After you authorize the operation, save the file on your hard disk. After saving the texture, you may access it through the Texture dialog box.

Save As Pattern

This function is used to create a pattern out of the selected area. In order to create a pattern out of the area selected, choose the area out of which you wish to create a pattern and activate the function. After you authorize the operation, save the file on your hard disk. After saving the pattern, you may access it through the Pattern dialog box.

Save As Brush

This function is used to create a brush out of the selected area. In order to create a brush out of the area selected, choose the area out of which you wish to create a brush and activate the function. After you authorize the operation, save the file on your hard disk. After saving the brush, you may access it through the Custom Paint Brush dialog box.

Histogram (Stretch, View, Equalize)

This function is used to view the Histogram of an image and enables stretch and equalizing operations on the Histogram. The Histogram is a graph representing the distribution of a selected color channel in the picture. Through the function's dialog box, it is possible to select the channel/channels you wish to view.
  • Checkboxes for the channels Red/Green/Blue/Brightness - Marking these boxes will display the channel's/channels' graph accordingly.
  • Histogram Equality - In order to activate the Histogram Equality (an operation used to improve the quality of certain pictures), press the Equalize button.
  • Histogram Stretch - The Histogram Stretch is an operation used to improve the quality of pictures by increasing the contrast and reducing the channel's edge having the effect of making details in the picture much more distinguishable. In order to activate the Histogram Stretch, use the four regulators located on the graph: two regulators located on the top and two regulators located on the bottom.

Textures Manager�

Pressing this sub-menu will open the Textures dialog box used to organize the program's textures.

Patterns Manager�

Pressing this sub-menu will open the Patterns dialog box used to organize the program's patterns.

Gradients Manager�

Pressing this sub-menu will open the Gradients dialog box used to organize the program's gradients.

Image File Information and EXIF

Pressing this sub-menu will open a window representing the properties and EXIF Information of the image.

Exif Information - Exif is information that is generally saved on Jpg and Tif type pictures by the digital device with which the picture was created. For example, a picture that was taken with a digital camera may contain information about the type of camera, the date the picture was taken, the picture's dimensions, etc. Home Page | Help Home | 1999 - 2013 (c) Copyright Power Of Software. All rights reserved